Saturday, July 3, 2010

#4 When you got what you want, it might not be what you want now.

Final Fantasy X is the game I have been wishing for seven years. I finally completed it on yesterday (18-10-2009). During the game, I wished I can complete it faster, I thought about the game all the day, even when I was taking bath or eating.But when I just completed it on last night, I felt that was too fast to finish, I wanted to continue on it, some more my characters were trained strong enough now. I felt empty totally. I believe that you have this kind of feeling too if you were player for games.

最终幻想10是我在七年前就想玩的游戏.我终于在昨天破完.当我还没有破完时,我想快点破完, 我的脑日日夜夜, 吃饭冲凉时都想破. 但我昨天破完时, 又觉得酱快就破完,都还未玩够!难得我炼的酱强. 整个感觉很空.我相信玩游戏的你都会有同感.

Life is like a game. When you got what you want, it might not be what you want now.
人生如游戏,当得到了想要的. 它可能已经不是我们想要的.


  1. On-site learning you will learn faster.

  2. Good... I like this sentence. Simple yet realistic.

    So more on-site will give you experience and you will remember it for a longer period.
